Tuesday, 4 December 2012

What to do with the Lost?

An interesting thing happened to the little hiders.

People, visitors to the church, found them and thinking they were lost put them on the communion table.

Now as a 17 year old I was 'converted' in what described itself as a Free Evangelical church, but was really a more laid back brethren church.  We had an 'open' communion service called the Lord's Supper, though no one explained to me why our Lord had his supper at 11:15 in the morning, in my house we had our supper in the evening between dinner and bedtime.  Anyway it was 'open' in as much as you weren't allowed to take part unless you were a male member of the church.  As open as 'Securicor on a Saturday night' as I once heard it described.  But that's the thing about communion, lots of churches expect you to have been baptised or confirmed or to be able to burp the alphabet (actually not the last one I made that up) or to show in some way that you belong.

Our visitors, on the other hand and probably because they didn't know any better, think the communion table is a convenient place to gather the lost!

We'll put them right.

Some of our shopping visitors searching for the right pack of cards.  I wonder do they choose a card that they think is pleasing to the eye or because they want to support the charity.

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