Sunday, 2 December 2012

Hide and Seek - An Advent Installation

Here's the text to help encourage people to explore the new installation

Hide and Seek

An Advent Installation by Mark Cripps at St Michaels Without

Is it better to seek than to find?
Depends what you are looking for I suppose.

Let me rephrase that. Is it better to be a seeker than a finder? 

This Advent we’ll all be looking for things, that perfect gift for that special someone, those lights – we had them last year – for the tree, the address of those people we said we’d stay in contact with, a bargain, that feeling that Christmas used to invoke in us when we were children.

There are some hiders in the church, they are small and are about the space.  Please take an opportunity to seek them out but if you find them please leave alone, so others can also look.

In Genesis our first act as lost humans was to hide? Then we blamed each other.

And as you look ask yourself what does it mean to be a seeker after the Kingdom of God?  What do you think you may have already found? Who is calling out to you ‘Here I am?’  

‘I still haven’t found what I’m looking for.’  Bono U2

‘Here I come!  Ready or not?’ A seeker.

1 comment:

  1. "What is your favorite game?" "Hide and seek." "And what is your least favorite game?" "Hide and, when there's nowhere to hide."
    we hide, we seek, we yearn to be found..
